ISO 9001: Formulation of a process procedure in a section of the company


Through my internal audit work on the Integrated Management System (Quality, Environment, Safety and Occupational Health) over 5 years ago, I have been adding to my  as Lead Internal Investigator on 9001:2015 and 45001:2018 from SGS.

I am happy to stand by ambitious companies and institutions to activate and develop the ISO 9001 quality management system by providing a service (drafting a process procedure for 5 over a period of no more than 14 working days).

* The Party concerned will be contacted for two separate hours a day with a view to completing the work.

* The working time is a maximum of 14 days, provided the cooperation of the party concerned and the credibility and clarity of the information provided.

* At the end of the project, the procedure will be presented with the data analysis reference.

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