The largest database of Arab companies


Over 1,500 Saudi Arabian companies in trade, industry, tourism, etc.

More than 850000 Emirati companies in various fields.

More than 300 companies are employed only in the Emirates.

Additional corporate data in Egypt and Qatar.

More than 7,500 e-mails to engineering companies in various Arab States (Egypt, Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, etc.)

Includes data (name of facility, telephone number, fax, e-mail, electron location)

Data in Vailat Word and Excel and in Arabic and English.

Excellent service to those looking for work and needing to send their résumés to companies. and for those interested in electronic marketing.

The service also includes e-mails for 100,000 companies in Saudi Arabia, over 20,000 e-mails for Qatari companies, 50,000 Egyptian companies and employment companies.

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